Setting unrealistic fitness goals is what I do best (am I the only one?!) I have come to the realization that setting a goal of working out 5-7 days a week every single week for the rest of the year is unreasonable. At least, for me it is.

Work, volunteering, blogging, side gigging, working out, singing + all while maintaining a social life is quite the plate full. #millennialproblems

However…what we can do is challenge ourselves for a (shorter) amount of time to help jump-start our year with healthier habits!

Starting this Sunday, I’m asking ALL girl bosses who are excited about the new year and who want to give their body a good kick in the rear to join me in The Candid Millennial 10 Day Challenge!

To kick things off, I have some links to share:

  1. TCM 10 Day Challenge Facebook Group – join our group as we hold each other accountable for each and every work out +++ sticking to a healthy meal plan
  2. Advocare Product Page – if you are interested in taking the same supplements I use for my workouts (these keep me strong and motivated), go ahead and hook yourself up with some Spark, Catalyst, Omegaplex and Slim!
  3. Advocare Explanation – here’s a blog I wrote last year about my favorite Advocare products I use and how they work. Please DM with any questions!

I will post more information leading up to our kick off date in 3 days. To get started, I’ve compiled 3 images to help inspire this process:


Workout ideas – complete each workout twice during the 10-day challenge. I have TEN free one-month passes to a work out app that I am OBSESSED with called Aaptiv. It tells me what to do on the treadmill, stairstepper, elliptical, weights, arms, abs, legs, yoga and even meditation. It estimates calories and you can filter by time and fitness level.

Also, the Tone It Up (TIU) app is AMAZEEEEING! It’s free and includes their daily booty call moves OR you can pay $10(ish)/month for their classes. I just love watching Karena and Katrine, they’re so fun and always super positive!

Both of these apps work great with OR without a gym!


Below is a meal plan for the first five days. I will post the grocery list for the first five days tomorrow and will post the second meal plan/grocery list on Sunday!

At the grocery store, I plan to buy 5 days of food at a time. On day 5 of the challenge I’ll go back to the store and restock for the second 5 days. My food will be ORGANIC and FRESH!


To help my body adjust to so many workouts + keep me motivated, I rely heavily on Advocare to get me through any sort of workout challenge. Even whenever I’m not doing a challenge, I take Spark and Catalyst for every workout. Here’s a breakdown:

Join our group and jump on board – this isn’t meant to be followed 100% per my recommendations. I’m not a nutritionist or expert on fitness, but I have experimented with many different types of diets/workouts/trends and this plan is a combination of what has worked best for me. Here’s the short of it:

  • 45-1 hour workouts daily
  • Complex carbs only, carb loading in the mornings
  • Sugar-free options
  • Low sodium options
  • No soda
  • No alcohol (this is the hardest – wine counts!!)
  • Small portions of meat/protein, trying to stick to lean meats aka turkey, chicken, eggs
  • Veggies and some fruits
  • No desserts (a small square of dark chocolate keeps me sane during this)

Let’s do this ladies!!